Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question to ask about myRDI?
It may be answered below!

Q: Where do I start? 
A: You’ll want to begin with your first Learning Plan, the 30 Day Learning Plan. This pathway is designed to help you understand what information is most important to your job at RDI, including topics such as RDI culture, internal technical systems, and basic soft skills that are relevant to everyone.

Q: What is a Learning Plan?
A: A Learning Plan is your guided pathway to all of the courses you have available. When you begin employment at RDI, you will have access to your 30 Day Learning Plan and the Live Well Learning Plan. The 30 Day Learning Plan is designed to be completed within your first 30 days of employment. At that point, the 60 Day and 90 Day Learning Plans will be opened as you reach those time frames.

Q: Where do I find my Learning Plans?
A: Our course, Introduction to myRDI, walks you through how to navigate through your Learning Plans, through a course, and how to complete a quiz. If you are accessing myRDI through RDI’s internal network, you can click here for a link to that course. If you are accessing myRDI through an external network, such as a client’s network or at home, you can click here for a link to that course.
In short, your Learning Plans are locating on the “My Dashboard” page and will be located at the top under the title “Learning Plans.”

Q: When will I see my Learning Plans?
A: The Monday after your first log in, you will see your 30 Day Learning Plan on your “My Dashboard” page.

Q: How long do I have to wait to request my next Learning Plan?
A: It’s strongly encouraged that you complete all of your current assigned Learning Plans before advancing to the next ones. Keep in mind, the Learning Plans are not limitless – they are designed to be completed throughout your tenure so you can develop your skills through the courses and your work experience.

Q: How do I request another Learning Plan?
A: If you would like to request an additional Learning Plan, reach out to with your supervisor attached to the email. When they feel you are ready to advance, we can add the next available Learning Plan.

Q: I hit the “Request Review” button by mistake! What do I do?
A: No worries! You can click “Cancel Review Request” to remove the request.

Q: What do I do if the course I want to take says, “This is an Instructor-led Training, please see your supervisor”?
A: You should talk to your supervisor to enroll in this course. Typically, we wait until we have several people all requesting the same course before they can put in a ticket to request the Learning & Development team to come and host a course for your site. Supervisors can request the course by emailing

Q: I failed a quiz two times. Am I stuck with a failing grade?
A: No – you can email the Learning & Development team at to request two additional attempts. If you fail those attempts, you will be stuck with a failing grade. Keep the following in mind:

  • Do not take the quiz without viewing the course.
  • Review the course material if you fail the course the first time.
  • If you believe there is an error with one of the questions, reach out to the L&D team at

Q: What all Learning Plans are there?
A: We are always developing new courses for myRDI. The basic Learning Plans are as follows:

  • 30 Day Learning Plan
  • 60 Day Learning Plan
  • 90 Day Learning Plan
  • Leadership Learning Plan
  • Live Well 101 Learning Plan
  • Live Well 102 Learning Plan
  • Live Well 201 Learning Plan

Q: I have a bug to report about myRDI. Who do I reach out to?
A: Email the Learning & Development team at Please include as much detail as you can about your issue, including but not limited to;

  • the course you’re referring to,
  • your name, site/location, and supervisor,
  • and any screenshots that are relevant.

Q: I don’t have a work email. How do I get help with myRDI?
A: If you do not have a work email, reach out to your supervisor or ELL Well representative to have them email your issue with as much detail as possible.

Q: I have a course a course I want to suggest. Who do I contact?
A: Email the Learning & Development team at We’re excited to make courses that will impact you and be relevant for you and your teammates.

Q: I’ve clicked through an entire course, but it’s still not showing it’s completed. How do I get it to mark as complete?
A: This is usually because there are interactive links in the course that you didn’t view. In the example below, you would click each word to view the definition (as mentioned in the directions, “Click each word to see the definition”). By only clicking “Next” you are skilling all of those definitions. The course requires that all slides be viewed to be considered complete.
Be sure to use the “Play” button instead of the “Next” button as well, to avoid missing any bullet points or information that need to be clicked instead of moving to the next slide.

If you have any questions that weren’t addressed by this Frequently Asked Questions portion, please reach out to the Learning & Development team by emailing